We are a website with a mission to change the world one person, one neighborhood at a time. The goal of this website is to make neighborhoods care for their own, be their support system, help in any which way is necessary – on an individual level. It is where community leaders can bring positive change to their neighborhood and influence their neighbors to help each other. It is a place for religious and spiritual leaders, charity organizations, celebrities, corporations, people with influence, but most importantly, everyone single person who wants to do a little good in this world.
Politicians, religious and spiritual leaders, charity organizations, celebrities, corporations, people with influence, but most importantly, everyone single person who wants to do a little good in this world. Some people may ask – what can I do, I am only one person, how can I change this world? There is a scientific theory of collective energy. If we just concentrate on our own good deeds no matter how small or large – the collective effect will be tremendous.
My name is Michael Feldman and I want to personally welcome you to the World Of Humanity. You are here because you care.
Even though this is my short story I don't want to talk about me, instead I want to talk about one single person who has inspired me. His name is Mendel Solomon and he is a local religious leader with a descent following of several hundred people. But this isn't about religion or faith - at all. The moment he welcomed me and my family to the neighborhood I saw that his eyes were directly connected to his heart. He was genuine, honest, caring and funny. We come from very different backgrounds and have a very different upbringing yet he made us feel welcome, as we were part of his family. His home is always open and I have never seen less then 20 people from the community in his house on the weekend enjoying dinner. I was astonished how during a moment of deep sorrow, when a 13 year old girl who was undergoing chemotherapy treatment he was able to set-up a system where all people in the community bought a hot dinner every night for 2 weeks and delivered it to the house to feed the brother and sister while the parents were praying for survival, bedside in the hospital. When my wife’s mom to whom she was extremely close surrendered to her debilitating illness, he was there almost every day both in the hospital and our house to support my wife and my wife’s dad who lived with us at the time. It was 6 months after when my father-in-law who himself had a terminal disease, laid in his hospital bed knowing that his days are limited sang songs with Mendel. They sang songs because there was a big language barrier and that was the way they communicated. My father-in-law smiled and held Mendel’s hand as he passed.
Throughout life we want to celebrate the good, isn’t it wonderful when there are people who want to celebrate with you and be happy for you. When difficult times come, isn’t it wonderful when there is a person, a neighbor, and a community who is there to support you.
Mendel was and continues to be my inspiration. We should all strive to be the best that we can be to each other. Irrelevant of our race, religion, gender, political, social economic status and views we are all people who experience the highs and lows of life. It all starts from you as an individual and the local community you live in.
With WorldOfHumanity.com I provide the tools to help the individuals, the community, as well as the causes you believe in. It is a place where you can organize a donation fund, set up meal deliveries, charity events and single acts of kindness.
So next time you spend 1 hour a day watching videos on YouTube, posting pictures on Instagram, updating your status on Facebook, or making a duck face on SnapChat (all of which are important), spend 10 minutes on WorldOfHumanity.com and do something great.
Go to WorldOfHumanity.com and start making a difference.
With Love and kindness,
Michael Feldman